Saturday, June 11, 2011

Product Service Systems project reflection

Like most Design project, planning for a concept and beginning the development base of a new Industrial Design Idea, perhaps is the hardest part of any design work. It is even more difficult this time thinking in a large-scale manner and not just making considerations about a product by its own, but also designing the system that the product travels through.

As this project required us to work as a team, it all depended on the work force of each member and the management of the team. Particularly the beginning of the project was indeed difficult and it required a lot of researching into the surroundings of the product like current government schemes, initiatives and picking out the potentials or gaps within existing system.

Our group focused on the topic health, and consolidating on a concept was the hardest part, we went from, pest control, to personal training, smoking and even safe sex. After being baffled by the tutors to concentrate on personal training, health and obesity. Our group explored the depths of obesity, looking into existing services such as dietary, exercise and weight-loss programs and finally decided to push the idea into a product that cover these areas.

Finally the team agreed to design for the most crucial sector of obesity, which is the 55-64 year olds, who are the largest in the obesity/overweight percentage, due to the aging population and declining metabolisms of this age group. Our team’s goal was to:

• Educating in Healthy eating habits
• Promoting Safe and Healthy Exercising routines
• Motivation in physical exercise within a community group
• Keeping track of personal progress

This became a Kit and part of a government campaign called “Re-active”

“Exercise and Diet re-habituation program”

By JULIAN CHOW, EUGENIUS LAI, GABRIEL LY (University of New South Whales, Industrial Design)

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