Sunday, March 6, 2011


We are truly all natural born waste makers, averaging nearly 750kg of rubbish per human in a year, this digit is still not devastating enough to make aware people aware of our global waste problems.

Do we ever think about where our trash goes after it reaches that big PE bin at the back of our house? Do we ever think about how the wastes that we throw out embeds a secondary use?

There are many ways to recycling, like having a compost bin for your food scraps and apple cores, using your car wash residue to scrub your driveway tiles, but these are just light examples of our everyday living. If we can raise our awareness to our wastes we can sort out many unwanted packaging, aluminium cans, plastic bottles and realise a lot of our trash can be broken down back to its basic property for re-use. A great example is our commonly found PET bottle that holds our everyday carbonated drinks and as inconsiderate human beings, littering the poor thing into the bush will only cause mother nature to reject it and will essentially stay as litter. Instead we can be a little thoughtful and throw it in a recycling bin, in which it can be taken to plants into a process of sorting, cleaning, grinding back into fine plastic powder, and it can be used used again in the same production line, or as other products.

In supporting recycling we must remember placing that bottle under the yellow lid is only the first part, but with the help of today's recycling technology and sophisticated processing lines, not only we are giving waste a second chance as a new product, we are able to save a lot of the earth's virgin materials and resources. As a way to save our planet, recycling is also an opportunity to improve our ecological structure and relieve the stresses we put on our environment. So remember before you establish something as waste keep an awareness of its recyclability and look for a secondary use.

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